MY SURVIVAL THOUGHTS19/2/2016 ![]() My Survival Thoughts by Daniel W. Shrigley Survivalism is not limited to Primitive Skills. Modern technology should not be avoided. However consider devices that can be recharged with solar energy or crank generation. Solar power generators are available in individual use ideal for hiking, backpacking, packrafting, hunting, and outdoor sport or adventure enthusiasts. The buck doesn't stop there either. Preppers are a ideal candidate for this type of solar power generation platform. Nautical enthusiasts are additionally ideal consumers. Goal Zero puts out solar power platforms to entice all the before mentioned and then some. For the last several months I have been product testing Goal Zero products and am extremely satisfied with the outcome at the end of each test phase. In a true survival situation nothing is more valuable than the ability to communicate. Consider amateur Ham radio as a option. The ability to reach out and talk to someone is invaluable when a life depends on efficient rescue response. The define line between being a Prepper or a Survivalist is so thin it's almost invisible. Yet the difference does exist. Survivalist tend to rely on bushcraft skills, primitive survival knowledge and creativity. Technical and mechanical skills are encompassed into this category as well. As I have said in the past on multiple occasions. We don't put ourselves in survival situations, we find ourselves in survival situations. That a survivalist is a successful survivor. Most survivalist plan ahead and take precautionary measures to limit work. To limit weight carried, minimize risk. True survivalist focus efforts to successfully maximize productivity and self-reliance within the confines of their environment. From urban, deserts, jungles, woodlands, grasslands, tropics, flat plains, mountainous etc... Survivalist follow along lines of traditions and skills passed down through generations. Typically these survivalists are that are true in definition come from tribes or sects. Modern man has imbedded within the cultures of these tribal people to gain knowledge. To learn the secrets that are on the verge of becoming forgotten. Modern man has been racing against the clock to obtain the ancient skill sets such as Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival before these cultures disappear. A survivalist in my humble opinion will outlast a Prepper if everything was reliant on skill solely. Preppers are the people that prepare and stock inventory. Establish skill sets much like the survivalist. The premise of the Prepper is to achieve self-sustainment, self-reliance and security. Some Preppers are more extreme than others. With the most extreme being potentially combative and militia in mentality. Stocking weapons and ammo, additionally to water, foods, equipment and medical supplies. My opinion is the survivalist possesses the better ability to maneuver more freely. While the prepper is limited to the restrictions of the established resources and stockpile. Being forced to protect and secure their inventories they will not travel great distances. This is why some Preppers have taken to mobility. Even still they are invisibly tied to their transport vehicles. Survivalist is more adaptive and can more effectively sustain, escape and evade. I like to remind people that in the frontier days there were no such things as the technologies of modern day. A survivalist is in all reality a modern day frontiersman. Frontiersman would set camps, sustain and constantly improve. Through improvement and settlement came Posts, Villages and Towns. In the old days the focus was community not individualism. This is the greatest flaw I see with the Prepper Extreme Mentality. Not all Preppers fall into this extremism. The ones that do pose the greatest risk to the community idealism. They are one sighted and focused on individualism with a death before dishonor mentality. Now most Preppers are peaceful and simply desire to protect themselves and loved ones. Nothing wrong with this at all. As I have read, watched or listen to information pouring out from all mediums I seen this first hand. I have also seen the extreme mentality. The ones that plan to run for the wilderness. Take over state or federal lands and shoot the first thing that moves. These people need to think and focus on community. We are a nation built on "We The People" not "Me The People". As hard to believe in our society as things do appear, we the people are the governing body. If SHTF (Stuff Hits The Fan) or TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It) did happen we will only thrive if we establish a priority to regroup and reform community. In all my years of military service one lesson that I learned is inventories do expire or run dry. A dictatorship would count on this and plan around, taking actions knowing this information. This is why my jaw drops everytime I see a Prepper posting on the internet "Hey I am a Prepper come visit my website or watch my videos." It's like advertising to BIG BROTHER raid my house first!!!!! Lessons Here: • Survival & Communication. • Solar Power Generation Platforms. • Difference between a Survivalist & Prepper. • What a Survivalist is by definition. • What a Prepper is by definition. • What is extremism in Prepping. • Prepping and Community vs Individualism. • Prepper OPSEC ![]() My Observations About Survival Television Shows by Daniel Shrigley Survivalists barefoot in the jungle on T.V. cracks me up! I appreciate the belief and dedication of lifestyle. But when your lifestyle impairs your safety and forward momentum enough is enough. Then for some odd reason the other partner too is barefooted and typically not his lifestyle. Where is the true educational value for survival skill sets here? I am a hardliner with doing things right! One stupid act, demonstrated on purpose far removes all credibility as a leader. Why don't they show the right way, beginning to end each episode. Why don't the progressively expand skill sets from basic to advanced on these shows per episode. I see regurgitated content over and over and it's backed up by stupidity along the way. Oh boy... When you want something done right you need to do it yourself. Just like what's the educational value in surviving Naked for 21 days? The skill sets by these two people camping in the same isolated location are highly limited. Survival is not about camping out, roughing the elements. It's about maximizing your ability to survive, counter the elements, signal, communicate, egressing to safety as safely as possible. It's funny to me to see drama factors of relationships applied to a survival situation. I see so many unnecessary risks being taken by these survival experts. From the top of the fame ladder all the way down to the contestant nobodies. If you're in a survival true to life situation you would NOT do half the crap you see on TV! You have simplistic goals to meet to ensure you survive. Water for hydration, sanitation and hygiene, fire for warmth, cooking, sanitizing and cutting. Shelter to defeat elements of sun, wind, sand, cold and rain. Clothing for warmth and barrier against elements. Tools to make easy your survival for the ability to sustain until you are rescued or escape. So much on these tv shows misses the mark. If you don't have a map or compass, at least know how to fabricate one. If you are relying solely on meat and insects for food then you need to become knowledgable with edible plants. I sit here watching these experts walk past numerous edible plants each episode complaining about needing to find food. This observation applies to the top rung in the industry of televised experts all the way to the unknown survival contestants. If you know your weaknesses then turn what your weak at into a strength. Archives
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