The Art Of Manliness5/5/2015 The term sounds sexist in reflection only cause women are just as capable to do all the same things and be just as effective. Bushcraft is not isolated to any gender. However in the male ego of what manliness might be perceived, bushcraft seems to be on the table.
Bushcraft is a skill that is only developed by doing. Getting off the couch and out of the office then putting into practice these skill sets. What is bushcraft one might ask? Answer: Bushcraft is the art of Self-Reliance, by way of skill and generated tools from raw natural material that assist in providing sustainment. From nets, baskets, fishing poles, cordage, bladed stone, traps and snares to name a few. Bushcraft is the ability to create through craft the items needed to survive in the wild. Creating fire from friction, foraging wild edibles, hunting with primitive class weaponry. Bushcraft is the honed skill that only comes from manual practice. If one is proficient in bushcraft, wilderness first aid, field hygiene, foraging, hunting, fishing, fire craft, and all the fundamentals encompassed then modern technology becomes obsolete. The more you know the less you will need. Therefore: "Know More, Need Less!" We learn from Native Americans, Eskimos, Aboriginal tribes and many other primitive tribal communities around the world. As time passes these people that have lived by the primitive lifestyle fade away. So today we try to embed inside these isolated tribal communities to learn from the elders. It's a race against time to try and learn all we can before they are gone. Swallowed up by the modern age. I truly want to travel to these remote places and visit with while learning the trade craft they have used to survive for centuries. In the deepest jungles, driest deserts still live nomadic peoples that rely on these bushcraft skills daily. They are the true survival experts. Primitive weapons are now modern weapons. Just advanced with improved materials, science, and concept. The bow and arrow of centuries past is now a compound bow and arrow of today. Learning these skills will save your life should you find that you are in a real world emergency. The priorities and fundamentals of survival are the first steps in sustainment. Survival is not a game, it's a ideal of thriving until you achieve rescue or self rescue. To function smartly minimizing risk and improving your odds of staying alive. WILDERNESS SURVIVAL TORCH: Cattails5/5/2015 A great torch can be made from Cattails. The head of a cattail is soaked in oil or rendered lard. Once it is saturated it can be used as a torch. If it is fully saturated it will burn up to 8 hours.
This is a great light for in your camp. Dan Shrigley | Community In Prepping5/5/2015 If Preppers focused on community versus individualism the power of politics would be in the hands of the people in a time of crisis. We as a People need to be prepared in case of political meltdown and social collapse. It takes organized patriotic constitutionalist joined at the hip to save the nation in time of despair. Like I said before power in numbers. The mission statement of a group like I suggest should be to reestablish what makes us a republic and not deviate to socialism. The Constitution is and will always be the backbone of what we should strive to preserve and defend. The trend of Preppers and individualism has streamlined a trend of what most might consider an anti-government movement. Government is not bad, it's very necessary and should be included at the lowest levels of community Prepper groups to quickly reestablish life saving resources and structure. My ideals stem from watching factions of Preppers. Whom have become extreme in their individualism, which will in my opinion lead into pockets of possible criminal groups. Exploiting the masses due to the fact that only 1.67% of Americans are classified as Preppers. Having taken up not only preparedness for sustainment but Arms for defense against their neighbor. Community should be the focus and recovery of community is the only true American way and idealism.
CATTAILS - Survival Food5/5/2015
Tech Devices vs. Basic Skills5/5/2015 Nothing replaces basic land navigation skills. The old map and compass along with terrain association are the tools needed for traversing the countryside. These skills are perishable if not practiced at least twice a year minimum. Basic survival skills are also best if practiced often. Harness your skills by utilizing hands on training, combined with book knowledge. The preferred method would be to seek out professional instruction by a certified trainer. The bare minimum requirement for your peace of mind would be at a minimum a skills practitioner or hobbyist. Alway be prepared and communicate to others your plan in detail for locations, dates & times.
Our motto at Survival Extreme Catalog, Inc. & Dan Shrigley's Survival Academy, Dan Shrigley Ventures is to: • Be Prepared • Survive • Thrive Heat Casualty Signs & Symptoms5/5/2015 (If you suffer from or witness any of these below mentioned signs seek professional medical help as soon as possible to avoid injury or death)
Heat Casualty (Signs) • Muscle Cramps • Dizziness • Headache • Nausea • Weakness and/or Fatigue • Unsteady Walk How to treat or react: • Remove patient/victim from environment • Locate or Improvise Shade For Patient/Victim. • Loosen Restrictive Clothing • Give/Take Sips Of Water • While Rendering Aid; seek medical help as fast as possible. SERIOUS SIGNS & SYMPTOMS: • Hot Body, High Temperature • Confusion, agitation (Mental Status Assessment) • Vomiting • Involuntary Bowel Movement • Convulsions • Weak or rapid pulse • Unresponsiveness, coma React By: Seeking Emergency Medical Professionals As Soon As Possible. • Lay person down in shade with feet elevated until medical personnel arrive • Undress as much as possible • aggressively apply ice packs or ice sheets. (Cool body temperature down with cold water & fan person to cool) • Give sips of water while awaiting an ambulance (if conscience) • Monitor airway and breathing until medical help arrives Mental Status Assessment: Call an ambulance if any if the following exist. - What is your name? (Does Not Know) - What month is it? (Does Not Know, the month or year) - Where are you/we? (Is Not Aware Of Location Or Surroundings) - What were you doing before you became ill? (Does Not Know The Events That Led Up To Current Situation) Indications Of Possible Water Intoxication (OVER HYDRATION) Signs & Symptoms: Confusion, weakness, and vomiting. What to do: Ask these questions to the person/patient: • Has the person been eating? (Check pack for possible food items to feed person) • Has person been drinking a lot? (Suspect water intoxication if person has been drinking a lot) • How often has person urinated? (Frequent urination with Water Intoxication, infrequent with Heat Injury) • What color is the urine? (Clear urine may indicate over hydration) [ If a person has been eating, drinking and urinating a lot, yet has these symptoms, immediately call for an ambulance or seek medical help.] Archives
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