Why We Wear Clothing21/6/2014 Ever wonder why we wear clothing? Well the answer is that mankind is a tropical being. We by design have no thick fur coat to protect our skin from wind, rain, sun or the cold. We were built to thrive in tropical temperate zones. You take us out of tropical climates and we now need clothing to protect us from the elements. Also foods found in the tropical regions of the planet are best suited for our consumption. The foods in these regions provide all our bodies need to live healthy long lives. We by design are not built for cold climates and this is why we require layering of clothing to shield or bodies. We use our body heat to stay warm inside our clothing, clothing does not generate heat. Clothing traps heat keeping a barrier of warmth around our skin. Heat only transfers in three ways, convection, conduction or radiation. Clothing provides conduction by directly heating the material with body heat. The air pockets between layering is heated using convection from body heat caught in the middle. At some point in our history we migrated to areas outside of the tropical regions. In doing so we required more clothing the farther north or higher in elevation we traveled. The human body is unique in that some people require more or less clothing depending on individual comfort. We can acclimate to changes in temperature over periods of time. Most people take two weeks to completely acclimate. However there is not set standard. So now you know why we wear clothing....
September 2024
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