The Barrel Hook Cactus is not only a water source but it's also edible and will give you enough to survive in a desert environment. In the video clip you see Mykel Hawke teaching his wife Ruth England and viewers to drink pee when in a survival situation. I don't think he realized the fact he had in his hands was a cactus that would provide water as well as a food source. Maybe he was to busy trying to be like Bear Grylls when it comes to drinking urine. I never condone drinking piss, rather I do teach other more rewarding ways to procure water. This is one of the point I was trying to drive home about TV Celebrity Survivalists in previous articles and videos, they spend more time focused on looking cool on television versus doing things the right way. When I get my chance to film my survival television series, I will show the world what right looks like and not only offer adventure,critical skills both primitive and modern but entertaining educational content that's progressive. Watch this YouTube video with Ruth England and her husband Mykel Hawke and see them both drink pee from a cactus that would keep them from needing to drink piss in the first place. Knowledge is power, and had they realized they had a barrel hook cactus, they would have no reason to drink piss. Also never drink another person's pee. There are so many other ways to find or make water you should never need to drink urine.
BUG OUT BAG - QUICK TIP18/5/2016 Bug Out Bag: The most important items you need to pack are • Water • Crackers • Peanut Butter. You need more water, and water is heavy. But that is the most important thing you need to take with you. You will need carbohydrates and protein. It would not hurt to include a salt lick. My suggestion if you take weapons and ammo; you better pack body armor with a ballistic ESAPI chest plate & back plates. Also include a Kevlar helmet. With ballistic proof eyewear. I highly suggest, not wearing sneakers. Get yourself a nice comfortable pair of Oakley combat boots. Also reinforced knuckled Oakley combat gloves. TEOTWAWKI & SHTF: Roadblocks & Restricted Areas - Bugging Out.
(Avoid all roadblocks at all costs, unless it’s impossible and life or death.) When bugging out you will likely encounter communities that will not allow access or entry. They may not allow you to approach either in vehicle or on foot. There are two types of roadblocks. Military/ law-enforcement and criminal. During a crisis situation, the criminal element may present to imposter law enforcement or military. If you find yourself in this situation. Stop ahead of time, and evaluate the situation. Observe the activities of that roadblock or checkpoint. You are looking for the procedure and operating standards at the roadblock. If you observe anything threatening then immediately turn around and find a safer route. If you observe the road blocked is being operated in a professional manner obey all instructions and approach slowly. Do not present yourself to be a threat. Do not present your weapons and be prepared to present state or federal issued ID, or passport. Be prepared to have a full vehicle search, full search of personnel and inventory. Your number one assets will consist of weapons, ammo, food, water, gold, silver, jewelry, fuel, batteries, vehicles, and your woman. These will be the things the criminal element will want to take from you, they will kill you for it. The best measure possible is to have a predetermined route with as minimal vehicle traffic as possible. Always plan alternate routes. Upon arrival at a law-enforcement or military checkpoint you must remember that small arms are the least concern, they are concerned mostly with VBIED's (car bombs) so it is highly important that you obey all instructions both on signs and via verbal commands. The second most important concern will be the spread of a pandemic. The best thing you can do before arriving is to cover your face and mouth with a medical mask. If approaching a checkpoint at night be sure to dim your lights. Never approach a checkpoint at a high rate of speed, always travel at 5 to 10 mph or less. During a crisis situation, the checkpoint may not have the man power to segregate gender searches appropriately. Females may have to tolerate being searched by the opposite sex. Always be aware of what is considered to be contraband items, and avoid having them in your possession. During a crisis situation, you may find that you have to do a vehicle swap often, picking up the skill of how to hotwire a vehicle will save you from doing a lot of walking. Remember during a situation of TEOTWAWKI or SHTF The infrastructure will be totally collapsed with in 24 days or less. The only place you will be able to obtain fuel will be from other vehicles. So either you have a siphoning kit, or you learn how to hotwire a vehicle. Be prepared to be turned around and sent on your way at a law enforcement or military checkpoint. Do not, do not trespass on military installations. They will most likely have authorization to use deadly force without warning. Your best bet, will be to egressed the urban areas. But it might not be feasible to travel across multiple states. The more you travel the more you expose yourself to the criminal elements. It's best to get somewhere safe fast and hunker down. Also research how to survive in nuclear, biological and chemically contaminated areas. Survival Situation: Dealing With Death10/5/2016 ![]() You find yourself in a life threatening survival situation with a couple friends or family. Your group is all alone, lost or stranded and you DO NOT see signs of rescue or civilization. One member in your group has taken a severe injury; no question the injury will lead to death before help arrives. You applied all first aid to save the members life nothing has worked and it's all a matter of time. The other members, plus yourself are panicked and hopeless. You have not only lost a member and a friend, you lost a resource to survive and to assist with rescue. Dealing With Death: First thing you do is make your friend as comfortable as possible, and if they are lucid and conscious, they will most likely be panicked and read off of yours and the others behavior. You will really need to try to keep a level head to avoid causing additional mental anguish to the dying. Remember, you have to still survive and attain either rescue or self rescue. Your friend has passed away in front of your eyes and in your arms. Naturally everyone is going to be sensitive and upset with the entire situation. Depending on location and environment you will need to secure the body properly, Protect it from animals and insects as well as cover the body to block it from exposure and for a sense of peace. You need to tend to the surviving members of the group, you must do your very best to be focused. You need to be certain to clearly mark the location for a recovery team and note down easily identifiable landmarks and/or terrain features. If you intend to transport the body during self rescue efforts there are a few Litter Carry methods you may use. This really needs to have a lot of safety considerations to the group. You must take into consideration the physical abilities and health of each member, additionally their true limitations. The first consideration will be weather, terrain, distance and the actuality of success in order to evacuate the deceased. While taking the deceased with you put in jeopardy you and the other members? Remember, you are all still in survival mode. You still need to survive by the fundamentals of survival and the priorities. That means Shelter, Fire, Water and Food, need to take the forefront of concern. You still need to establish group tasks and responsibilities. You also need to work towards signal and communication by cell, radio, sound, and sight. Remember you may not be able to rely on your tech devices due to failure, malfunction, signal, or battery power. You may need to rely on mirror, fire, smoke, noise, or markings. Making The Decision: Either you and the group have decided it's best to recover the body and carry it out with you to attain rescue, or leave it behind in an easy to find location. You will want to cover the body with rocks to prevent wildlife from tampering with the remains. If you do not have that option then you will want to dig a grave and cover with debris and clearly mark it with contrasting colors. Leaving behind anyone goes against the social norm but sometimes you have no choice for the safety of the group. It might be for the greater good, but you need to focus on the living and stay focused on survival tasks. Record down in writing, photography or video if possible as much key information about the location of the remains before departure. The more information you attain, the easier it makes recovery of the remains later, The hardest thing anyone can deal with in a survival situation is the death of another. It will play against your psychology and add to the fear factor of the group. You will need to continue to defeat fear, do not let fear defeat you. Your survival depends on it, if you allow fear to overtake you bad things happen. After Rescue: Take everything you recorded and/or wrote down and had it over to law enforcement immediately. Be prepared to be interviewed extensively and share as many details as you can remember and remain calm. Once the authorities gather the information they will send out teams to locate and recover the body. Article by Daniel W. Shrigley SURVIVAL IS LIFE: Love & Hate8/5/2016 ![]() "With hatred comes prosperity; with the bad comes good, with good comes the bad. Something good always comes from something bad. Love & Hate are running mates. You have to always let love prevail otherwise hate will poke it's ugly head in. The mistakes made are not permanent if change of good intentions and actions are applied. Never change for anyone, do it for yourself. If you are flawed do not let it remain. Make the change from the inside out. Let others be your motivators but not your reason, your reason is because it's for you. Life is not guaranteed and the time we have can be short or long. The end will come and at the end of the day all you can take to the grave is love." ~Daniel W. Shrigley Gas Masks3/5/2016
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