SURVIVAL BASICS OF SELF RELIANCE28/11/2014 Shelter is defined by hasty, improved and fortified. Broken down to categories such as natural and manmade for each. In a survival situation the focus is protection from elements that impact life sustainment. These elements include wind, sand/dust, sun, water/rain. Can include chemical or radiation in disastrous scenarios.
The basic knowledge of how to acquire or construct a simple shelter to protect you from environmental influences can make the difference of life or death. Every year people suffer or die from exposure, most commonly from lack of preparedness. Proper clothing, portable shelters and the ability to be protected in weather is common sense right? To the trained or experienced person you'd believe this however it's not true. Not all people know what to do to build a primitive shelter that can defend against against cold, rain or wind. The proper method is layering with available natural raw materials. In the wilderness there is no hardware store for supplies. It's critical to think outside the box, use your creative imagination and take action. The priorities of survival demand that you have four essentials to live just to meet the basic requirements. Those are commonly known as Fire, Water, Shelter and Food. Water is always essential no matter what environment you find yourself in and without you can die in a matter of hours or as long as three days. Based on your pre-existing hydration levels. Impacted by the temperature and extreme conditions affecting you. Fire is second most essential tool for survival. Offers, heat for warmth, cooking, cutting and sterilization. All methods of survival can be obtained in a multitude of ways and as creative as your mind is you can invent new possibilities to acquire the desired outcome. As for fire you have combustable, electrical, chemical, friction, radiation, convection and conduction. If you know the science you have the keys to invention. Friction fire is the most primitive form of manmade fire craft that dates back over 10,000 years or more in to human history. Fire Saw or Fire Plow, Hand Drill, Bow Drill, Fire Thong, and as of late the Fire Piston. All take practice but generally so easy a child can do it with proper training. Food is the very last fundamental that requires attention. In almost every scenario food is the very last concern by experts and my fellow colleagues. However food is in most cases in abundance around the planet we just need to know where to look. Animals, fresh water, seas water, plants, insects, trees all offer sources of nutrition and food. However eating the wrong food can certainly kill you in a matter of minutes. Never eat anything you find in nature that you are not certain 100% of what it is and having had it before your life depends on you being right. Animals and plants are a viable source of food for sustainment if you know what your doing. So how does one capture or find the correct food source? First you identify what your recognize. Stay with what you know and only explore if you have no options. There is a test to experimenting with edible plants called the edibility test method. I teach the basics of five for regional specifics on local plants as a base for beginners. Know at least five common plants found in the area you will be adventuring into so you have this baseline of knowledge as to what is safe to eat. Foraging is a skill that does not allow for error. You must be 100% positive and identify without doubt what you are about to ingest. Get it wrong and you can become sick or deathly ill. Traps and Snares offers great way to capture warm blooded prey, however the best survival food source comes from water. Fishing is easy, it has a multitude of methods of capturing food and water masses almost always offer a variety of abundant food. You just need to know what to eat and how to get it. Weaponized hunting is more advanced but still derives from primitive skills. Blunt force hunting such as clubs, stone throw, sling shot and projectiles like bow and arrow or spears. This area of knowledge and skill comes from a term called Bushcraft. Bushcraft is the art of primitive tool and weapon construction with raw materials. Another skill set I will offer to my audience and students. *********************************************** All quotes created and published by Daniel W. Shrigley: "Minimize Risk Through Proper Education." "Conquer Fear, You Survive By Taking Calculated Actions." "Know More, Need Less" "In Survival Fear Is NOT An Option" "Be Prepared, Stay Alive and Thrive" ~ Dan Shrigley *********************************************** This message is Endorsed by Survival Extreme Catalog Inc. and Daniel W. Shrigley
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